Stratégie De Tisonnier De Pai Gow...

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Voici les choix optima de main basés sur des cartes occupées.   Dans l'intéret de la simplicité, nous avons appelé n'importe quelle paire de basse paire de 2 " à 6 par ", 7 par une paire moyenne " du j ", et q par une paire élevée " de A ".   

Your hand

5-card hand selection 

 2-card hand

No Pair:

the highest card

the next two highest cards

One pair:

the pair

next two highest cards

Two Pair:

Pair of A's and any other Pair:

high pair

other pair

Two High Pair:

best pair

other pair

High Pair and Medium Pair

high pair

medium pair

High Pair and Low Pair with A or K

both pair

A or K

High Pair & Low pair w/out A or K

highest pair

low pair

Two Medium Pair with A or K

both pair

A or K

Two Medium Pair without A or K

best pair

other pair

Medium Pair & Low Pair with A or K

both pair

A or K

Medium Pair & Low Pair w/out A or K

medium pair

low pair

Two Low Pair with A or K

both pair

A or K

Two Low Pair without A or K

best pair

other pair

Three Pair:

second and third highest pair

highest pair

Three of a Kind:

Three A's

pair of A's

A and next highest card

All others

three of a kind

two highest remaining cards

Three of a Kind twice:

lower three of a kind

highest pair

Full House: 

With two pairs

full house with low pair

highest pair

Pair is 2's with A or K

full house

A or K

All others

three of a kind

the pair

Straight, flush & Royal Flush:

With no pair

lowest full hand

two highest cards

With one or two Pair

lowest full hand

2 highest cards, pair or o/wise

With Three of a Kind

full hand


With Full House

three of a kind


With Three of a Kind twice

lower three

highest two

Four of a Kind:

With Three of a Kind

four of a kind

pair from the three of a kind

With a Pair

four of a kind


Four A's

pair of A's

pair of A's

J's through K's with an A

four of a kind

the A

J's through K's without an A

one pair from the four

the other pair

7's through 10's with A or K

four of a kind

A or K

7's through 10's without A or K

one pair from the four

the other pair

2's through 6's

four of a kind

highest remaining two




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