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Kiwi's the World's Biggest Online High Rollers?

7 April, 2009,  Rita Malhotra, Staff writer


Who would have thought it?  The high rollers of the online gambling world aren't the Americans, the cashed up Russian oligarchs, the Saudi's or the Chinese.  No, according to a study University of Lethbridge study, the average amount gambled by New Zealanders is more than any other player in the world.

The study involved a survey of the gambling habits of players around the world and came up with some surprising results.

New Zealand online gamblers spend an average NZD 539 ($300) per month playing online. 

However the averages are slightly misleading as the NZ figure was skewed considerably by one respondent who gambled a fortune online each month.  How much this player spent was not revealed in the survey but it must have been considerable.

A more meaningful metric to consider from the study is median spend amounts, which place New Zealanders at the bottom of the list of online gambling big spenders, with median monthly spend of NZD16 compared with the median American player spend of NZD 161 ($90) per month.

One notable outcome from the survey results was the existence of African online high rollers.  The average African monthly spend was NZ$1582 although this data was skewed by a small number of respondents to the point of rendering it totally misleading.

I wonder if Robert Mugabe took part in the survey?



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